Large & Gilbert, Inc.: Best Construction Accounting Firm in Atlanta, GA
Welcome to Large & Gilbert, Inc., the premier construction accounting firm in the Southeast. Located in Atlanta, GA, we provide services to some of the areas largest home contractors, builders, and developers. Having specialized in the construction industry for over forty years, we are able to provide our contractors with answers to their questions about tax services, accounting and auditing, business advisory services, and wealth accumulation, just to name a few.
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Welcome to Large & Gilbert, Inc. (“L&G”), the premier construction accounting firm in the Southeast. Located in Atlanta, GA, providing services to some of the area's largest contractors; including: general contractors, specialty contractors, heavy equipment contractors, builders, and developers. Having specialized in the construction industry for over fifty years, we are able to provide our contractors with answers to their questions about tax services, accounting and auditing, business advisory services, asset protection, retirement planning and wealth accumulation, just to name a few.
Do you know the latest on the benefits that are offered to you as a contractor in the tax code? Are you using the advantages Uncle Sam has given you to reach your retirement goals in order to maintain your lifestyle? Do financial questions keep you awake at night?
Is your surety agent asking for information you can't provide? Or has your bonding been reduced and you need fresh ideas to make your company healthier?
You can manage a $10 million construction project from start to finish and you can manage your 10-year-old's baseball team pretty well, too. Do you have the time or the staff to stay up-to-the-minute on the construction industry's complicated tax and accounting issues?
What kinds of services do you need when you come to L&G? Every company is unique... but our experience serving the construction industry for over five decades allows us to anticipate and meet your needs.
Large & Gilbert, Inc.
6849 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
Building A-2
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Phone: (770) 671-1533
Fax: (770) 671-1347
L&G has specialized in the construction industry for over 50 years. We have built our reputation on great client service and have spent many years learning the financial and tax ropes of the construction industry.